Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Reading

So here's a list of the books I have currently checked out of the library for my summer reading enjoyment:

1. Gift from the sea
2. Make-a-mix
3. The two sides of love
4. Organize your home! : simple routines for managing your household
5. Choosing simplicity : real people finding peace and fulfillment in a complex world
6. A family of value
7. The Southern Living complete do-ahead cookbook
8. Frozen assets : how to cook for a day and eat for a month
9. Because I said so! : 366 insightful and thought-provoking reflections on parenting and family life
10. Streamlining your life : a 5-point plan for uncomplicated living
11. How to get organized when you don't have the time
12. I promise : how 5 commitments determine the destiny of your marriage
13. Making love last forever

As you can see, I like to read! And I am completely into trying to get better organized as #4 gets closer to arrival. And hoping to figure out how to make cook easier and how to be a better parent and a better wife. So far I have learned that I need to plan everything, but to remain simple. That I am a Lion...a leader and thus I have a tendency to lean too much toward the hard side of love and not the soft side. That I do a pretty good job when it comes to clutter considering I have boxed up about 30 boxes to prepare for selling the house. (sadly, I haven't need much out of any of those 30 boxes....I'm feeling a garage sale might be in our near future.) Oh, and I am still trying to write my life goals, that's the first step to getting truly organized.

I'll keep you posted how it all works out, right now I'm going to research which planner I want to use to get my schedule and goals and plans all up and running.

1 comment:

mhandwerker said...

wow...that is some list!!!