Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2 Things

1. All 4 corners of my couch cover have these ties, last night they were ALL tied. However now they are all untied....Madie. Its this little game she and I play, I tie them, she unties them, I re tie them, she unties them again...on and on it goes!

2. David says you can till what day it is by our pantry floor and freezer, obviously its one of the last days.

Trip to the Zoo

Two weeks ago I went to the zoo with a friend of mine from church and her two kids. We wanted to squeeze the trip in before she has her 3rd this month! They have a membership so it was great. She has two boys, one a little younger then Caleb and one a little younger then Madie. We had a blast.

Have you ever seen a giraffe drink water? I hadn't, it's funny. And the kids are being baby birds hatching from eggs in the nest. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

8 things for Thursday

1. we are still fighting the sickness. Joshua still has a low fever, 100.5 currently. He's eating, not a lot but enough, and he is still hydrated enough to keep us out of the doctor's office. So far David and Elizabeth are the only ones who haven't gotten it. David is fighting it today, trying to not to feel bad. Please pray for our family to get well

2. Floors are done. They look amazing. Minus a few baseboards and shoe molding but still incredible. David made some awesome cuts around the doors this time. I was thinking wood floors make my house feel upscale, you know? Carpet is everyday, apartment like, but wood floors, now your talking, and throughout the whole house is classy. I'm so glad we did it, enough though it was started because of rubbed in pooh!

3. The weather has been great the past few days. The kids are loving playing outside. We have 2 new sets of neighbors with kids,oldest one is Madie's age, but it has been great getting to know them and hang out in the cul-de-sac again.

4. I have decided God made the moon for mothers. Last night as I was pacing the house with Joshua trying to comfort him and get him to go to sleep, I could see. There was an almost full moon (Could have been full but I didn't have my glasses on to see it correctly!) it gave the perfect glow for me to glide through the house missing the walker, laundry basket and toys on the floor but not keep Joshua awake by being too bright. Thanks God.

5. We have almost completed out school for the year. Caleb can read and will be going into 1st grade, amazing huh? Elizabeth is finishing 5th grade, that's just crazy! We finished our History book and Caleb asked when we were getting the next book. (We do the Story of the World series. Its great, I have it on cd read by Jim Weiss, a story teller. They have activity sheets, coloring pages, maps, etc.) I told him we would have to wait because it is expensive. Caleb replied, "Big sissy and I could buy it. Could we order it now?" That's right, my kids were begging to do more school work!

6. I'm feeling old now, 29 has gotten to me. My joints hurt a bunch lately but I realized it is because I am still nursing and not getting enough nutrients. So I'm going to start taking a calcium supplement and see if that helps. I'm tired of 29 hurting my body.

7. Speaking of the Story of the world, one of the activities was to grow sugar crystals on a jar on a string. I so did it wrong. The whole glass turned into a crystal mess, and now I can't get it out. Ruined 3 drinking glasses, 3 pencils and my chance of getting that mommy of the year award.

8. That's all I can think of for now, I'm going to finish my coffee so hopefully I can stay awake today and go check on Joshua

oh and one extra, we still love watching Curious George, the kids are watching as I type.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Yes that's right

We have wood floors that run the entire width of our house! From the playroom window to the dining room window, beautiful!
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Beginning day 3

So. Friday(day 2) we succeeded in:
1. The kids and I preparing the bedrooms by removing all furniture. David was still working and he said it was like the repo men came!

2. Cleaning the garage

3. Filling the garage will all bedroom furniture.

4. Ripping out all bedroom carpet, a glorious moment indeed!

5. Patching all holes in concrete made by removing tack strips

6. Laying most of the underlayment for the floor

7. Ripping up the hall and part of the dining room floor, we have the extend off of the previous floor so it has to be redone.

Now its Saturday and I pray this evening when I go to bed there will be some flooring in our bedroom!
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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 1

Carpet is ripped out of play room. The madness begins! And I'm sure you are wondering why are we ripping up our carpet? Yes, it is our only weekend off till May 1st so we must do some type of project (David and I don't understand the meaning of sitting still yet) But we do have a men's breakfast and a Refuge board meeting planned, so why the big project? Allow me enlighten you.....
Wednesday afternoon, Madie was "taking her nap" little did we realize she wasn't just napping. She poohed in her diaper, took it off, tried to "clean it up" with like 30 wipes, smeared in into the carpet. Then tried to get dressed, knocked down all the clothes bins in the closet, finally found a pair of her pants. Put those pants on Backwards, without panties and a pair of Joshua's socks. Oh, can't forget her ballerina leotard, crouch unbuttoned hanging over shirt. It was CRAZY! The pooh wouldn't come out of the carpet and the smell, let's just say be thankful smell doesn't transmit over the computer!
So we are getting new wood floors in the bedrooms. Since new carpet would be destroyed by our kids in no time flat.
It's going to be a long weekend....
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impromptu photo shoot

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My creative children

Daddy challenged the kids to try and make their nerf gun out of blocks. Pretty amazing huh?
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Thanks everyone for my birthday wishes and presents, a had an amazing day! Full of dancing, good food, friends, massages and family. Here's to my last year being 20 something!
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rock star Elizabeth

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Elizabeth's Birthday Celebration

So Elizabeth is now 11, crazy I know, and we had a wonderful day celebrating with her Sunday. She opened all her presents before church. Then after church we took her to O'Charley's, love the rolls, that was her idea. Then we surprised the whole family by taking them to the Fernbank museum of Natural History. We got a year membership. We also saw an IMAX film there called "Forces of Nature" All about Tornadoes, Earthquakes and Volcanoes. they loved it. Elizabeth has been learning about Weather in school so she was in hog heaven. We hardly got through half the museum, it's huge. I forgot my camera for that outing, but here are some pictures from the rest of the day.