Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Dress

Madeleine is so happy to be wearing a dress today!

Monday, April 18, 2011

My gangster boy

Joshua decided to wear a stocking hat yesterday while playing outside. Why, I have no idea but he looked so cute. Like a little gangster! I bought him 24 month size shorts, even though he is only 19 months old, figured by the end of the summer he would grow into them. Currently they sag, majorly and there's only like an inch between the bottom of his shorts and the top if his socks! Super cute! But the passy is my favorite. One day we will get rid of it....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Clothes and Star Wars

Last night I went through Every Single item of clothing we had stored in preparation for a garage sale Saturday. After sorting and only keeping what Madie and Joshua can grow into, we put up 11 bins worth of clothed back into the attic. We have 20 plus bags of clothes and bedding stuff to sale.... Crazy.

In celebration of getting through all the clothes, here's Madeleine's outfit for today, she picked it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Recipe for a perfect sabbath

Voyage of the Dawn Treader and homemade sundaes!


So I realize I haven't blogged in forever. I'm very sorry for this. With our show 23 days away, I have been doing a lot of work on getting ready for it. So here's a few updates from us-

1. I'm 30 now and feeling I should start taking vitamins if I'm going to keep dancing so much. ( which of course I will! )

2. We are done with school since we started last June. Elizabeth completed 6th grade and Caleb completed 1st. I love the fact I taught another one of my children to read and write and add.... It's a honor. ( Madie and Joshua are still majoring in playdoh and coloring, well when they aren't feeding the playdoh to Bernard or eating the crayons themselves)

3. David is working toward cutting back to a 3 day a week work schedule at Bomgar. It will free him up to work more on Refuge and hang out with us. He is moving into that schedule in May.

4. The electric guitar is a hit! Elizabeth loves it and is really enjoying playing new, cool songs on it. Like a Newsboy's song, since they are her favorite band.

5. If you were to meet Caleb today for the first time and ask his age, he would inform you he will be 7 in 4 months.

6. He wants a drum set for his birthday.

7. Favorite Madeleine quote as of late. Me: go get your shoes on we're going to go somewhere. Madeleine: over the rainbow? Me: yes.

8. Joshua is growing like a weed. He can climb on the couch by himself now, sleeps with a pillow and is talking in short sentences. His favorite word is still "mine".

9. House on our block sold for 118k looks we are staying here for a while longer.

10. Oh almost forgot, we have a fully funded emergency fund! We are Dave Ramsey fans and have been doing his plan for awhile now. We've been debt free for a few years. But with 4 kids its pretty amazing we were able to save as much as we have, yay God!

Ok that's it for now. Love you all.

Katherine Gant

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