Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today we are getting ready to travel to Memphis for Thanksgiving. It's the first time we are traveling with 6 people, a full van! I'm excited and can't wait to see everyone. Especially because it will be the first time my grandparents get to see Joshua! So, Sorry for the lack of updates, I've had a lot of deadlines and meeting lately. I'm so happy to have a break for the rest of the week and of course can't wait to shop on Friday!!! Much love to everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving early!
See some of you all this weekend!

Monday, November 16, 2009

This week

Is going to be crazy. We've got a ton of things pack into it: filling a birth certificate for Joshua at 8am tomorrow then straight to the dentist for Elizabeth and Caleb's cleanings, Meetings, Guitar, teaching, board meetings, special building projects, oh and one for mini performance on Sunday for Refuge. I say all that to say, I will update, I have video from E's recital but I just don't know when I'll get to it... but I love you all and will post as soon as I can!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Craft day

Caleb wanted to make a doghouse for Pal Puppy dog, his special stuffed animal. He had gathered all the boxes he could find, a cake box from Madie's cake, a shirt gift box and two cardboard boxes.

After Much, much tape, and a little help here's the result. Then he wanted to paint it, and he graciously allowed Elizabeth to paint with him.

While I was waiting for them to finish I tried to capture Joshua smiling. Couldn't, I have a handful of pictures with interesting faces, but no smiles. Here's the a nice one though. I think he has Madie's eyes, which are Elizabeth's eyes, which are my eyes!

And the Finished product, tadah!!! (it has a working door and everything!)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ever wonder how I can cook for a month with 4 kids?

The beans and pasta were bombs Madie threw at Caleb. Kept them quiet! And I only cooked 5 things today, amazing the mess it makes!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, November 9, 2009

Madeleine's 2nd b-day party

Madeleine is 2 today! Here's some pictures from yesterday's celebration.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Morning in the Life of a Home schooler

This is what a typical morning looks like at the Gant household...all the kids gathered around the "school table" aka the dining room table!

I'm trying to get Madie to branch out to other things like playing with beans instead of her usual eating crayons. She's got an A+ in that class.

Caleb is writing so well. Here he is coloring and writing his latest master piece. I think he wants to send it in the mail to someone....

and little Joshua chills in his crib, he's studying his colors by looking at all the wonderful animals on his pack and play!

Ah, the beans. amazing how big of a mess one can tolerate for 30 minutes of peace!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beautiful Thighs

It' our GG's birthday today, Happy Birthday GG, we love you and we can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving. Then you can squeeze these cute thighs in person!

Joshua is 8 weeks today (still haven't gotten his birth certificate ahhhh!)

He's so sweet and chubby...the other evening I was noticing his thighs

check these out! not as amazing as Madie's, we all remember her thunder thighs. But Joshua getting there!

I could just eat 'em up!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I finally got a moment to sit down and blog! hooray!
Here's some pictures from Halloween. The first pumpkin is Caleb's, notes the squares along the sides of the pumpkin, those are his "shields" the second pumpkin is Elizabeth's, I love her eyebrows. the last pumpkin is Madie's, it's Curious George, her favorite. Both Caleb and Elizabeth were Ninjas and Madie was spider girl.