Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's official

Our nice little Gant family will be expanding, yet again it seems. We are going to have baby number 4 grace our presence sometime in September. The kids are ecstatic. When we told them about a week ago I truly expected some moaning to come out. However, much to our surprise both Caleb and Elizabeth were super happy. Elizabeth's sweet words were, "Mommy, I can't tell you how happy I am" and Caleb did is normal whoo hoo! Madeleine however has no clue what a baby in mommy's tummy means. Upon the mention of the word baby she left the room. Only to return with her baby doll, of course holding it by the foot! As if to say "one of these? Your having one of these mommy?" Too sweet.

We again we be using a midwife and I saw her for the first time this past Tuesday. It was like seeing an old friend again ...she was delighted to see Madie all grown up and walking and talking. Elizabeth and Caleb were happy to see her too. Scout, her dog, was still there. And the tree swing in the front yard was there as well. They always love visiting her because she has a whole shelf full of toys they can play with. Caleb's favorite is a big pirate ship. Elizabeth loves the tea set. Madie enjoyed all the stuffed animals around. It's such a blessing to know it's not just a great experience for me but for our whole family. I go back March 31st and will hopefully hear the heart beat then. But for now everything is going just fine.

Oh, forgot to mention, Caleb has personally taken on the responsibility of making sure everyone knows I'm having a new baby. Even the guy at the grocery store! He's excited because he will be a "double big brother" this time around. Ah, it's the simple things in life that make it worth while.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday fun

Caleb got a new cowboy hat at the store yesterday but he felt he need to improve upon the plain black felt hat feel.
I think that's my winter hat on top, and his black knitted pull on winter hat on either end. Nice touch if you ask me!
Madeleine's new thing to do is to "cook". Last night David gave her a bowl and spoon and she proceeded to stir and "cook" along side Daddy. Today she decided to dump her bowl of grapes inside and "cook" those. She's really good about letting others try her newest batch of "cooking" too! She will lift the spoon up to our mouths and let us taste a bite. Too cute! (Yes, she loves to cheese at the camera just like her brother!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weekend fun

David took last Friday off, so all of us went to Pump it Up to bounce and have fun. Here's some pictures....Madie getting ready for her first slide with Daddy....
Yep, she likes it!
Caleb and Elizabeth sliding...
the whole gang ready to slide together....
Sweet Sliding Bliss!
After this I put the camera up and bounced/slid/climbed with them! We had a blast. Best $14 dollars we've spent in a while!