Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Madie's new words

Just thought I would let everyone know Madie is really starting to talk. She has always done the sign language, more, please, bite, all gone. But now she says the word more but in a really drawn out way. She also is saying uh huh and uh un....yes and no but in their short u vowel sounding way. We are trying to get her to say yes and no, but she's just not quite there yet. It's great though because she is really communication with us. She woke up this morning and when I took her into the bed room to get my glasses she said "Daddy" But he had already gone to work. Then once we were in the kitchen she said "more" and went to the fridge. I opened it and she pointed to the container of yogurt, her favorite, I asked her if she wanted yogurt and she say "uh huh" It's so nice to be able to understand what she wants or needs. Though she still runs away when I ask if she has stinky pants!

Other words she can say are Sissy or an interesting form of Elizabeth, Caleb, brother, mom, dad, more, al la al la(German for all gone, thanks Oma!) she sometimes says bite as well. We also have been teaching her animal sounds. She knows what a cow, dog, kitty, pig, horse, duck, rooster and monkey says. My personal favorite is the duck, she really gets loud and in a low key for that one! She is still attached to the yellow blanket, and her baby dolls. As I type she is glued to the TV watching her favorite, Curious George. Running a close second behind is Animal Planet. Amazing how fast they grow.


mhandwerker said...

Yes they grow up fast!! It sounds like Madie is starting to feel better.

mawmaw said...

They are so sweet, Caleb looks like he is really working hard. Thank you for sharing these moments. I have tried to comment before but it would not let me,I miss all of you