Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A first

Yesterday I had to wash Madeleine's yellow blanket. It was drying when it was time for her nap. I laid her down with another blanket only to have her continue whining instead of sleep. After 30 minutes of this I checked on her blanket and it was dry enough for her to use. The moment I brought her warm yellow blanket to her and wrapped her up in it she stopped crying and went to sleep. So after 3 kids we have experienced a first. This is the first time one of my kids has been attached to something. For madie it is the yellow blanket made by Colleen for her brother Caleb. Too precious.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


mhandwerker said...

Katherine remember Sarah was the same way with her blankie and it was Daniel's old crib blanket she was attached too. Must be a third born thing. But let us not forget Matthew your stuffed bear. I seem to remember a little girl who sat a chair in front of the dryer waiting for him to dry. Sweet memories! Enjoy your children it goes by so quickly.

Katherine said...

Oh I do too, and he's still with us.