Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Sundays are such a delight to me, I love the whole day from beginning to end. Of Course, I do wish is didn't start at 6am but with Madeleine that is usually the case! Waking up and going out to get the morning paper, dividing it into my sections (ads, coupons, the funnies and a few articles) and David's sections (Best Buy ad and the Sports section) and brewing that pot of coffee. Poor David, when he married me he didn't even really drink the stuff. But now he has a cup every morning with me! Another side note about that would be the fact I just ate my first Chili dog this weekend, and I have to admit is was decent. Again, I would never have even thought about eating one in less David had introduced me to them because he loves them. Ah, the joys of sharing life with someone else...

Anyway, how we manage to get all 5 of us ready to go to church in less then an hour on Sundays and leave on time is beyond me. Good thing the church we go to is casual, ironing is not an option with me. Some how though we manage to get out the door with little or no stress, I thank God for small favors such as these everyday. The church we attend now is about 30 minutes away and down one of the prettiest streets I think in Atlanta, West Paces Ferry. The homes are huge, gorgeous, and sooooo way out of our league, but we love looking at them. (Reminds me of Walnut Grove in Memphis but a step up, every day on our way to ballet we would gaze at the house and pick out our favorite) We do the same with these houses. Some are just so over board it makes you laugh, some are smaller, and older. Some have huge driveways, manicured lawns, tall trees, and are detailed to a tea. There is one particular one I adore that reminds me of an old English home....and then there's the Governor's mansion.... not impressed. There are so many we chose one side to look at on the way to church and the other side to look at on the way home. Silly thing to do but it still makes me smile.

After church we walked through the Lenox mall, it's the high end mall with such ridiculously over priced specialty stores that we just have to laugh as we walk by. My favorite is Anthropology. It's for the lazy rich person who loves antiques but hasn't the time to hunt through antique stores to find what they want. They have massed produced replicas of antique dishware, doorknobs, sheets, books, clothes and shoes. It just makes me laugh. I guess because I grew up antiquing with my Mimi, I just love it. I was young, and I would just go to store after store with her looking for certain items, new furniture pieces, and the ever famous leaf plates (I am not even going to pretend I can actually spell the correct type of leaf plate they are so I shall just leave that part out and for those of you who have a healthy understanding and respect of antiquing will know which ones I am referring to) We looked everywhere for these plates, I think eventually we found all the different types that they made. They still sit across the top of my Mimi's mantle to this day....
The last week I was pregnant with Madie I went antiquing because I knew it would be perhaps the last free afternoon by myself for a long time. You can't antique with kids, they think all those old cars and dolls are actually to play with. I have a few antiques in my house as well, not as many as I would like to have but I still have small kids....in time....

But what Sunday would be complete without the Sunday afternoon nap? It was so pleasant outside that we had all the windows open and I just laid down on our bed and enjoyed the fresh breeze blowing in the open window and the warm glow of the sunshine. Almost 3 hours later I got up so refreshed...
I would like to pause here and say just a few words about my wonderful husband. No nap would be possible without him. Our 3 wild ones would never let me snooze away the Sunday no matter how perfect the conditions were. So here's to David, my hero.

So that's my Sunday. Oh yeah, almost forgot, David and I played a board game after the kids went to sleep...Monopoly, he crushed me. Never trade for the Greens, you just can't afford to develop them....

1 comment:

mhandwerker said...

I too would like to give a " shout out" to my son in law...Thanks for taking care of my little girl. David your tops in my book. See you all soon in about 10 days!!!!