Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Finally took that picture....

So what did we ever do before we had cell phones? I remember when pagers were the new rage, "just page me" sounded like such a cool thing to say. I wouldn't know, I never one. Home schoolers were never not at home! But now days I would be lost without my cell phone, who wouldn't? I seldom meet someone who doesn't have own one. I finally got a Blackberry so I can have internet access where ever when ever and oh yeah, a camera!
Yesterday as I drove with my windows down to go grocery shopping (after already visiting 5 other stores earlier that morning buying school supplies, birthday presents and wondering why super wide leg jeans are back) I stopped the car for a moment and clicked a picture of my favorite house.
Isn't it gorgeous? Just what you have always imagined in my head little country houses looked like. Old wooden boards, the front porch swing and a well just around back though you cant see it in this picture. I noticed the yard was cut last week, still don't know by whom and then my heart skipped a beat. They had trimmed down all the bushes that had been growing wild in front of the porch. Was someone going to live there? Or sell it? David suggested we should buy it. I thought why? So I can pretend to play house? That's all I used to day when I was growing up, pretend to play house and be a mommy. Why was it so much more enjoyable back then to "play house" then to actually have a house now? Maybe because it was so simple. I used to make our swing set fort in the back yard my "house". I would take blankets, some play dishes (I could only find 3 of my cups, a few plates and forget about ever finding silverware!), a baby doll and fake food. I would spend hours out there just pretending up a storm. But now when I play house those blankets have turned into piles of clothes from a 5 person family which most must be washed over and over again. I have more drinking glasses now then I know what to do with, coffee mugs run wild throughout my kitchen and I always seem to run out of spoon though I have a least two dozen! Real babies actually do cry, real food is expensive and you actually have to go buy it instead of just looking through your toy box.
So I contemplated all of this as drove to yet another store, looked longingly at that old, wonderful house.....I think I will buy it and just go back to playing house, a least in my imagination. I hope that part of me never grows up.

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