Welcome to our crazy life....

When I grew up I had the wonderful benefit of living a bike ride away from both sets of grandparents. Not so lucky are our kids. Even for the actual ones that live in Atlanta, it's still a about an hours drive away! So, this blog will have to serve as the next best thing to riding our bikes to see the grandparents. Enjoy watching our kids learn and grow one day at a time...

Friday, November 21, 2008

So glad it is Friday!

This week has flown by! After last week's floor project, it was nice to have a semi normal week. Here's some highlights.

Madie as figured out she can use her teeth to bite things. but not just food. her dad's toes, cardboard brick blocks and candy bar wrappers or as seen here, she uses her teeth to remove tops from plastic containers!

Caleb is learning his letters and can write his name. He is also has become quite skilled at sliding across the wood floors!

Elizabeth had a tooth pulled on Thursday, cavity on a baby tooth. She was super brave, got a milkshake and a tatoo as shown here!

I hope to post some videos soon of the party...hopefully this weekend...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

GMaw said...

Your Mom told the Gants will be here Thanksgiven. Looking forward to seeing you all. There will be a gathering at the Handwerker House. Granddad, Elkins Jr. Me & maybe others. I am doing the turkey & dressing, your Mom and Danny are doing the rest.
